Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Assignment 4 - linking back to your peers.

This is just for other's to know what assignment 4 is about: For this assignment i had to comment on at less 3 classmates blogs, and say what I thought about their assignment 3 answering: What will Canada look like in 2109?

I enjoyed reading classmates blogs entry on what they thought Canada will look like in 2109 and I thought they were all great! Some had more afford put into it then others, but I still enjoyed them all.

I picked for commenting on: Santan's blog entry were she said: "I think it is quite important to stop and think about what happened way before we were born because the people in history are the people who made a change in what today would look like and how people think. "I think that is an interesting fact she said because not everyone stops and thinks about that. "

I also commented on Sandra's blog. What she said was: "No one knows the future and it will always be a mystery and it will remain that way until someone invents a machine that predicts the future. Isn't there a time where you ask yourself "What will the world be like when I die?" At times I would think of how different the world would be in the future."

I commented on Ryleigh blog too! This is was she has too say: "In 2109 there might be time machines- that actually work- and maybe even different life forms living on Earth!"

I commented on Helena blog and she said:

"First of all, I think that there would be less racism, even though there is not too much now, and all the governments, or at least most, would be successful and would know how to take care of their country. I think this because since Obama is black, and his plans are brilliant, and he will be running the #1 trade country in the world, presidents (and prime-ministers) of other countries will look up to him, not care that he's black, and follow his foot-steps, and so, racism will be less, and countries will be better at fixing their problems."

And last but not less i commented on Froher's blog, she said: "Since we have a lot of technologies right now in 2009, I think that we might have ten times more technology which would make human life easier. We might even be able to make babies using only the DNA of the parents, houses under water, robots as pets, and maybe even electronic houses containing all the safety you need."

Here are the links too the blogs I commented on:






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