Friday, February 27, 2009

Louis Riel.. YAY

Hi, how are you people? We (Helena and I (sarah)) are doing good because for this assignment, we can organize a script for an interview about Louis Riel! AND WE LOVE TO WRITE SCRIPTS!

Before we start, you can read more about what this assignment is about on
our teacher's blog!!!
And yes, please remember that since we partnered together to do this assignment, Mrs. Pollock has higher expectations for our project...

Since we don't feel like writing this at the end, we'll write links to websites we got information from here!;_ylt=AlQH2qeZTnz3UmEACznZJUsjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20080505200047AAbzLld

And check out my
partner's blog!

OK! Let's begin!


(Some kind of jingle thing for the show)

Helena - Hello everyone! And welcome to...

Helena and Sarah - the Helena and Sarah show!!!!!!!


Sarah - So, you met all the other interviewees, but you haven't met someone like this!

Helena - Some of you hate him, and some of you love him!

Sarah - And a great thing that we found this, "bring someone from the past to the future" machine, right Helena?

Helena - Right, Sarah!

Sarah - Alright! Let's get this interview starteeeedd! Please welcome, this guy!
(Uses time machine thing and brings back Louis Riel)

Louis Riel - What? Where am I? Ahahah! Yes! YES!!!!!!!!! (Sigh) YES, YEESS!!! (Starts to cry)

(Helena and Sarah look at each other, in an "okay...." way)

Helena - What's going on...?

Louis Riel - Oh, you see I was just at my execution! Wait...Am I DEAD?! Oh no! No!!! NO!!!!! (Clears throat) NNOOO!!! (Starts crying)

Sarah - Okay! OKAY! CALM DOWN!

(Starts hitting him (not too violently))

Helena - okay..... speaking of executions, when did it happen, person?

Louis Riel - Oh, yeah! RIGHT... I am Louis David Riel, and my execution was initially set for September 18, 1885! But I was starting to be hanged right before I got HERE, which was November 16, 1885... And, if you were wondering, I was born on the 22nd of October, 1844 in the Red River Settlement...Which is obviously in Canada... And I was married in 1881.... And I have two kids who were born 1882 and 1883, and a third one died on his day of birth in 1885.... And, another thing you may be interested in - (Gets interrupted)


Louis Riel - Right!

Helena - ... So, Mr. Riel, how come so many people know you today? What did you accomplish or do in the past that got you so famous?

Louis Riel - Well... I was a leader of the Metis people. And... I pretty much led Manitoba to Confederation... I am so great!...Others know me as a traitor because... I was someone who stood up for the Metis people-

Sarah - - Uh, ya! That's pretty cool... So, how did you mainly help the Metis people?

Louis Riel - Well... Here's what I did...In November, 1869, I was already the leader of the Red River Settlement and the Metis... So, I wrote a list of rights that should be followed when Manitoba comes into confederation, and sent it to the Canadian Government. Unfortunately, for me, Canada didn't respond quickly, so I got... mad... and I created my own "government." With that government, I helped Manitoba come into confederation with Canada, and I think that helped the Metis when Manitoba confederated, or some time after.

Helena - Why exactly did you make that government?

Louis Riel - Well, first of all... I noticed that there was a missing law in Canada, so I made my own government to fix that problem... and second of all...I was afraid that United States would make us join in confederation with them, so having my own government, I could attempt to have Manitoba join Canada... Mainly, though, since I was a Metis, I wanted to stand up for them and give them the rights they deserve.

Sarah - Cool, so you really stand up for what you believe in! Good for you! Anyways, moving on... Could you tell us why they hang you?

Louis Riel - It was because of treason -

Helena - what's treason?

Louis Riel - Okay, so you want a more detailed story... Alright... Well, when I wrote that list of rights I talked about earlier, some people thought that it was evidence that I wanted to overthrow the government. So that's how this whole thing started... When I started my own government, the Canadian Government saw it as a revolution which means they thought we wanted to overthrow the government... Also, a man named Thomas Scott wanted to overthrow my government, and when they executed him for this, people blamed me for "killing" an "innocent" person, even though it wasn't really my fault... So anyways, there were many things that I did that made other people hate me. I don't understand though, what did I do?! WHAT?! TELL ME?!!!!
TELL ME!!!!!!!!


(Louis Riel sighs)

Sarah - The next question is... What was your trial like?

Louis Riel - How should I start... umm.. Yes... In the beginning of March, 1885, I met with 10 Metis, and things went bad from there... We swore an oath to "save our country from a wicked government by taking up arms, if necessary." Taking up arms means to be violent or hostile. Anyways, the Metis and other people in support of me started to kill and/or capture innocent people who were against us. From there, I just gave up. The Canadian Government saw me as crazy, and a trouble maker. I surrendered myself because that way, I could continue to support the Metis. My trial lasted two weeks. Lot's of worried thoughts came into my mind because I knew my fate was sealed. The people in the jury were all against me. I was to be hanged on November 16, 1885, but now I'm here... But I would've died anyway...

Helena - What kind of things did the government and people do to you for being a "traitor?"

Louis Riel - Well, they thought I was insane and that included my lawyer, they thought I was delusional, the government banished me to the United States for five years, I was blamed for the murders of people I didn't commit, and at the trial, I was barely aloud to speak. There is more for sure, I cannot think of them all at the moment... I feel very light...

Sarah - Alright! Last question, and quickly before you ascend to heaven or something... This banishment you spoke of - tell us more about that.

Helena - Yes, and tell us how it affected you.

Louis Riel - It was really tough. I was away from my country, my home - my family. I started to have mental health problems. I was telling people that I can see the divine spirit and I believed that I was a "prophet of the New World." I had to go to see a doctor and be treated for this craziness. But he assured me that I was cured after being treated, so I don't understand why people still would've treated me crazy. I feel really light and happy... Wait, what's going on?! Oh no! Oh NO!! OH NOOO!!!! I'm ascending!!! Ahhhh!!! Ahhh... Bye everyone! I am finally at peace! Ahh... Thank you for the interview!!! (smiles)

(Louis Riel ascends into heaven)

Helena - Your very welcome!

Sarah - And thank you!

Louis Riel - For what?

Helena - for telling us all that information!!!

Sarah - BYE!!!!!


The End

By: Helena and Sarah

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Impossible Quiz

This is not history related but it is educational.
It is
--THE IMPOSSIBLE QUIZ-- , it is really hard and makes you use your brain. I had to try it multiple and multiple times to get even past a few rounds so don't think that you are not smart if you fail. I think it might be actually an impossible quiz, because i went really far(level 43)and then failed, so I'm not sure. Anyways try it out and tell me what you think. Have Fun!" />" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="450" flashvars="id=50433260&width=1337" height="385" allowscriptaccess="always">
The'>">The Impossible Quiz - Lite by ~Splapp-me-do on

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Assignment 7 - Canadian Personalities

For assignment 7 , we are vsiting the musem of civilization's site on Canadian personalities.

4.)Which category of Canadian Personalities interested you the most? Did you like the "we inspired", "we founded", "we fought", "we built" or "we governed" section the best? Why?

a.) I liked the "We inspired" section the most with Gabrielle Roy, Peter Pitseolak, Morderai Richler, Herman Smith and Arthur Lismer. I like this section because I like reading about people who have inspiring lives, such as artists and authors.

b.) Which personality interested you the most? Why?

Nellie McClung interested me the most because she has done so much in her life time and made a big inpact on Canadian feminisims. She also became one of the famous 5, who has a statue on parliment hill. My Nana was talking about them and got me thinking of how much woman can do now compared to back when Nellie's time. Before woman couldn't even go to school or vote! Even though I liked the "we inspired" section the most I found Nellie McClung the most inspirational person out of everyone. I also found the "we inspired" section rather interestiong to read about with people such as; Gabrielle Roy because she was a journalist and I like to write. And Arthur Lismer becuase he was the founder of the group of seven; a very good group of artists who inspire me.

Nellie McClung

Nellie McClung was born on October 20,1873 in Chatsworth ,Ontario. She had several roles in her lifetime including: a teacher, temperance leader, suffragist, lecturer, politician, historian, wife, mother, and activist. In 1886, at the age of 16, she became a teacher and fought against Canadian feminism. Nellie then met social reformer "Annie McClung". In 1890 Nellis married Annie's son, Robert Wesley McClung. Nellie and Robert had five children together. At the age of 35, in 1908, Nellie had her first novel published "Sowing Seeds in Danny" It became a bestseller. In 1916 women in Mantioba won the right to vote. As a member of the "famous five" Nellie McClung wins the legal recognition of woman as "persons" in 1929. She was a Liberal member of the Alberta Legislature for Edmonton from 1921-1926. She was also a famous writer, authoring numerous articles, essays, and 15 books. Nellie was an active journalist and founder of severl clubs. At the age of 78 the sad death of Nellie McClung happened on September 1, 1951 in Victoria, British Columbia.

Quote by Nellie McClung:

" believe in the human race, in spite of its shortcomings, as the expression of divinity upon earth, and leading onward and upward to something brighter and better. I believe that there is nothing too good to be true."

In your post, suggest three more influential Canadian personalities that could be added to this site. Why did you choose these people? Which categories would they fit into? Link to information about each of them.

C.) The first person I am going to mention that I think should be added to the personalities web page should be

Emily Carr, born on December 13th, 1871 in Victoria, British Columbia and died on March 2nd, 1945. She was a famous Candain Artist and writer. Emily was inspired by the indigenous people of the Pacific Northwest Coast. She would fit well I think in the "we inspired" setion. I think she should be put on the site because she focused a lot natives and landscapes so that could attract people who like tht kind of work or people who like authors. I also saw her exhibit at the National Gallery Of Canada.

The second person I chose was Joni Mitchell. She was born on November 7, 1943 and is one of canada's most famous musician, song righter and painter. I really enjoy lisining to her music and I think she would be very inspring to people because she is not only a singer and writes her own songs but she also an artist! ( the group she would be in is the "we inspired" setion)

The third person I chose was: jim carrey, born on January 17, 1962 in newmarket,Ontario who is presently 47 years old is a film actor and comedian. He would fit great in the "we inspired setion". I have seen some movie's of him acting and I found him a good actor and he is great at doing diffrent voices to, he is also a great comidean and is a very well knowen person.

Some other's that would be also great to add to the site are:

Catherine O'Hara ,Robert Munch, , Pierre Bouvier, ellen page .

**You can play a fun history game and find out what personlatite matches you the best by clicking on the link- Mystery history-maker Match-up . **


D.) Which History-Maker did you have the most in common with? Were you able to figure it out from the clues given? What do you share with that person? What are some things that are different between you and that person?

I had the most in common with Lucy Maud Montgomery (When righting She goes by L.M. Montgomery)

Lucy Maud Montgomery was born November 30, 1874 in Clifton (now known as New London), Prince Edward Island. She became one of Canada's most famous writers. Her most known novel is "Anne Of Green Gables" which was published in 1908. She commited suicide at the age of 68.

What I have in Common with L.M. Montgomery:
We were both born in the month of November. I was born on November 22 and she was born on November 30.

We both love to read.

She is a writer and I hope to one day publish novels.

Things that are diffrent between L.M. Montgomery and I :

She commited suicide and that is something I would never do.

Clues for Mystery History Match Up Game:

1.) I was born on November 30, 1874 in Clifton Prince Edward Island.

2.) I wrote my books in enghish, but they since have been translated into dozens of languages.

3.) I love reading and began my lifelong habit of writing a dairy when I was 9 years old. My first poem was published when I was 15.

4.) I was called by my middle name Maud.

5.) I belonged to several book clubs, as well as the Canadian Woman's Press Club.

6.) When I was 15 ,I crossed Canada by train and at 35 I made my first trip to the United States to visit my publisher in Boston. My husband and I went to Europe for our honeymoon.

7.) Unlike some people of my day I belived that the right of good education belonged to everyone - even girls.

8.) Streets, schools and libraires have been named for me.

~Many Awards and scholarships are given in my honour.

~ My most famous creation, Anne of Green Gables appeared on a postage stamp in 1975.

On the second clue I definitely knew it was an author, but I didn't know it was L.M. Montgomery until the last clue given (number 8) were it said she wrote the series " Anne of Green Gables".

L.M. Montgomery's writing:


First page of "Anne of Green Gables", published in 1908
Anne of Green Gables (1908)
Anne of Avonlea (1909) (sequel to Anne of Green Gables)
Kilmeny of the Orchard (1910)
The Story Girl (1911)
The Golden Road (1913) (sequel to The Story Girl)
Anne of the Island (1915) (sequel to Anne of Avonlea)
Anne's House of Dreams (1917) (sequel to Anne of Windy Poplars)
Rainbow Valley (1919) (sequel to Anne of Ingleside)
Rilla of Ingleside (1921) (sequel to Rainbow Valley)
Emily of New Moon (1923)
Emily Climbs (1925) (sequel to Emily of New Moon)
The Blue Castle (1926)
Emily's Quest (1927) (sequel to Emily Climbs)
Magic for Marigold (1929)
A Tangled Web (1931)
Pat of Silver Bush (1932)
Mistress Pat (1935) (sequel to Pat of Silver Bush)
Anne of Windy Poplars (1936) (sequel to Anne of the Island)
Jane of Lantern Hill (1937)
Anne of Ingleside (1939) (sequel to Anne's House of Dreams)

Short story collections

Chronicles of Avonlea (1912)
Further Chronicles of Avonlea (1920)
The Road to Yesterday (1974)
The Doctor's Sweetheart (1979)
Akin to Anne: Tales of Other Orphans (1988)
Along the Shore: Tales by the Sea (1989)
Among the Shadows: Tales from the Darker Side (1990)
After Many Days: Tales of Time Passed (1991)
Against the Odds: Tales of Achievement (1991)
At the Altar: Matrimonial Tales (1994)
Across the Miles: Tales of Correspondence (1995)
Christmas with Anne and Other Holiday Stories (1995)

Short Stories by chronological order
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories: 1896 to 1901 (2008)
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories: 1902 to 1903 (2008)
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories: 1904 (2008)
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories: 1905 to 1906 (2008)
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories: 1907 to 1908 (2008)
Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories: 1909 to 1922 (2008)

The Poetry of Lucy Maud Montgomery (1887)
The Watchman & Other Poems (1916)

Courageous Women (1934) (with Marian Keith and Mabel Burns McKinley)

The Alpine Path: The Story of My Career (1917)
The Selected Journals of L.M. Montgomery, Vol. I - V (1985-2004)

8.) One hundred years from now, (in 2109!) imagine that students are learning about Canadian History Makers and they discover you. What will you be remembered for? How were you a Canadian History Maker? You are using your imagination, so think about some things that you would like to accomplish in your life and imagine that you have all the accomplishments of your life to look back on. Write a short profile of yourself, imagining the contributions you have made to the future of Canada.

E.) Sarah Anne Shapiro was born on November 22,1995 in Otawa, Ontario.

She was a : wife, mother, writer, teacher, scientist assistant, bowler, and brought jope jumping to the olympics. At age 10 Sarah started taking jope jumping classes. She recognized the health benefits as well as the difficulty of the tricks involved at an early age. She fought for many years to have it added as an Olympic sport and at age 34 she accomplished that dream. Sarah was married at age 22 and had 3 children. Sarah novel was published in 2020 and became a series of 10 books. She later also published 6 other novels and 5 children's stories. Sarah was a teacher of Science and English at her former high school, Canterbury High, in Ottawa. Later her love of science led her into a job of scientist assistant at the NRC in Ottawa helping to discover a cure for AIDS. Sarah died peacefully in her sleep at the age of 105, November 23, 2100.

Here are 2 videos of children rope jumping who became Olympians.
